Having an eyesight problem is one of the most uncomfortable issues an individual can have. Sure, numerous methods can help us used to these problems, and resolve them to the highest percentage. We are talking about eye lenses and glasses. However, not all people feel comfortable wearing these.
Sometimes, the problem is so big that the only solution to solving it is to undergo a procedure. As you can presume, numerous procedures and operations can help with this problem. Naturally, your doctor is the one who will determine which one of these is the right one in your case. So, opting for one of these on your own is a big problem.
In any case, one of the most effective procedures you can come across is photo-refractive keratectomy. For those who don’t know, we are talking about the first procedure of this sort, which is still effective enough in numerous cases. If you want to learn more about photo-refractive keratectomy, check in here.
Now, we want to provide you with five things you need to know about this procedure.
1. PRK vs. LASIK

Those who understand this procedure know that photo-refractive keratectomy is pretty similar to LASIK. We are talking about two methods whose goals are pretty similar. Both of them have a goal of resolving the issues patients have with their eyesight and helping them discard glasses or lenses they were using for a long time.
The differences between these two approaches can be found in two segments. The first one is that the initial step is not the same, especially when we are talking about reshaping the cornea. Another one where these two differ is the recovery process. Even though they might look like the same approach, this is not the case.
2. The Surgery
Next, we want to talk about the surgery, and what occurs during this process. The first step any doctor will do is put some anesthetic drops in the patient’s eyes. As a result, the patient will not feel any sort of discomfort. Since we are talking about the eyes, one of the most sensitive parts of our body, this comes as an absolute must.
After that, the professional will apply the alcohol liquid to the eye’s surface. That way, the surface will get looser, which will make the surgery significantly smoother. After these preparations are conducted, the first major step is to remove the cornea, its outer surface, to correct the eye’s shape.
Then, it is completely safe to apply the laser to the eye. The procedure consists of inflicting some changes to reshape the cornea, and by doing that, the patient will not need to wear contact lenses anymore. After the surgery is finished, the professional apply lenses that are not removed at all. You can perceive them as some sort of bandage on the eye.
3. The Benefits

Understanding the benefits of PRK laser surgery before you undergo it is a must. Sure, there are a lot of them that are worth mentioning. But we will focus only on the most significant ones now. The first one is that there will be no corneal flap, which helps patients have much thinner corneal tissue.
The efficiency of this method is quite high. So, nobody should be surprised to hear that PRK is the only one permitted in the case of pilots. We all know how crucial is for pilots to have the best eyesight possible. If you are looking for the most efficient one, it is approved both for commercial and military personnel pilots, which proves its effectiveness.
Maybe you have heard some people referring to PRK as a surface method. What does this mean? Well, it means that the procedure is inflicted solely on the surface of the eye, and it doesn’t affect any nerve inside it. Damaging the nerve causes problems that cannot be fixed, no matter what method someone is using.
4. Potential Risks
As is the case with any other surgical procedure PRK also comes with some risks. The most widespread one is that it can cause problems for people’s sight during the night. A clear example is people experiencing some halos and glares around lights, which is not the most comfortable thing to experience.
Another risk is that the process itself is not done in the best possible way. When that happens, the problem is not caused by the procedure itself, the professional is to blame. So, every individual should choose the professionals who will carry out this process carefully.
5. Recovery Process

Last but not least, we want to touch upon the recovery procedure. After the procedure, the individual’s sight will not be as clear. Therefore, it is an absolute must to have someone help get the patient home safely. Using public transportation, or even driving, is something that should be avoided at any cost in this case.
Because of the medications, and the surgery itself, it is possible that the patient will feel somewhat weak and drowsy for quite some time. For that reason, it is important to have someone who will take care of your everyday needs, at least for some time. You need to regain your strength before you can complete all your daily obligations.
We’ve mentioned that the patient needs to use certain medications to go through this process. It is safe to presume that eye drops will be a major component in the recovery procedure. We highly recommend you keep these drops inside a refrigerator. That way, they will be much more durable and effective. You can be sure of that.
In Conclusion
As we’ve already stated, having problems with eyesight is one of the most widespread ones, and it is also among the most uncomfortable ones. So, finding the procedure that will help you remove all the issues that cause the problems you have is a must. Here, we’ve provided our readers with everything they need to know about the PRK method. We do not have any doubt you will find this insight informative and helpful.